
Verlindeさんの記事 II

English version
エントロピック重力理論の宇宙論の話、Robin Englhardtさんのインタビュー記事の第二回目です。

Verlindeさんの記事 II

1 件のコメント:

  1. "Yes, that's radiation. In fact the funny thing, and an amusing numerology, is that if you take a gaussian distribution, a bell curve, then you have something called sigma, the width of the Gaussian. If you take one sigma as dark energy and two sigma as dark matter and anything beyond as ordinary matter, you are getting pretty close to what's being observed. We have around $68\%$ covered by the first sigma, $96\%$ gets you two sigma, but of course the difference is something like $28\%$, and then there are four percent left for the rest. The fit that people make is something like $73\%$ dark energy, $23\%$ dark matter and then four percent of the ordinary matter. This means that we are in the tail of the distribution. The dark stuff is the normal stuff."

